Whatever Your Circumstances, Selling Off Market Can Have Its Benefits

  • Low Risk / Open Discussions

    By cutting out the middle man (estate agents/sourcers) you can avoid protracted and lengthy marketing timescales and negotiations. We are up front about all the specifics of a potential deal and discuss requirements with understanding and honesty. There would also be no chain to worry about.

  • Flexible Timescales

    Your timescale can be listened to and not controlled by others in a chain or high pressure buyer. This means we can complete quickly, or if you are in an upward chain or haven’t found a new home yet, we can be flexible to suit you.

    If an agreement is made, we would have no chain for you to worry about. This gives the potential for more flexibility for your move and far less risk of long chains delaying or pressurising you or indeed not proceeding at all due to factors outside of your control.

  • Release Equity Easily

    Research from Lloyds suggest homeowners in the South East have the most to gain financially by downsizing their home. If your home has unused space and you want to release funds easily, downsizing could be a great option, and selling without the stress of marketing and agents could be a choice you have.

  • Sell Without Doing Any Work

    Many people spend money on their home in preparation for marketing through agents, but with a direct to buyer sale, none of this would be necessary and in fact may be more attractive to someone like us.

  • No Middle Men

    As mentioned before, one of the biggest bug-bears for home sellers is estate agents! Why not consider selling direct to a buyer like us to avoid this and save thousands on fees!

  • Not Relying On Market Conditions

    If demand for property fluctuates, you may find less potential buyers looking. In such market conditions it can be frustrating having your move reliant on finding a buyer. We might be able to help.